
多伦多出发· 3天 2晚 产品编号:1119
【北美】纽约3日深度游(多伦多-纽约-新泽西-Outlets 购物)319.00CAD/起
0人出游 100%满意
游客问答 0条问答
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线路特色 行程安排 价格标准 费用不含

* 对于去美国旅游,需要持有效护照(有效期至少6个月以上)和有效签证;自2016年11月29日起,所有持中华人民共和国护照,同时持有最长有效期(十年)B1/B2、B1和B2签证的个人需在出发前登录www.evus.gov进行有效的EVUS登记,否则将无法进入美国。太平洋迅捷旅游对海关延误不承担任何责任

行程安排 下载行程
多伦多 (Toronto)-宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)-纽约 (New York)-新泽西 (New Jersey)
Wyndham Garden Hotel /Comfort Inn or similar (含早)

大约在下午4:00左右到达纽约。 。首先我们会前往纽约南街码头乘坐环岛观光游船,欣赏到著名的自由女神像,著名的的布鲁克林大桥,曼哈顿大桥和威廉姆斯伯格大桥,同时也可看到纽约的摩天大楼。之后前往华尔街,纽约证券交易所,铜牛像及世贸中心遗址。
选择此行程必须参加推荐的 5 个中的 3个或者更多的自付景点

新泽西 (New Jersey) - 纽约 (New York) - 新泽西 (New Jersey)
Wyndham Garden Hotel /Comfort Inn or similar (含早)

早上离开酒店,到达美国第一大名城--”大苹果”纽约,在资深导游的带领下展开环纽约游: 首先登上世贸中心大楼,在西半球最高的建筑物上俯瞰纽约,欣赏纽约独特的摩天楼群和美丽繁忙的纽约港美景。向北可以看到中央公园和哈勒姆区,向东穿过布鲁克林大桥就是布鲁克林区和皇后区,向南可以远眺斯塔顿岛,向西则是新泽西州。我们可以从中辨认出许多纽约地标,譬如帝国大厦,洛克菲勒中心,自由女神像等等。
稍后前往曼哈顿中城,参观著名的“无敌号”航母及航空博物馆(自费),您将有机会登上这艘海上巨无霸,参观各类舰载飞机甚至航天飞机,甚至有机会进入到潜水艇里面,感受潜水员的艰苦工作和生活。之后来到游人若鲫、繁华热闹的时代广场,参观纽约蜡像馆,自由活动购物及享用晚餐, 还可步行前往时代广场,中央车站等著名景点,并在附近的名牌店购物及享用晚餐。 在享受丰富多彩的纽约夜生活之后前往新泽西酒店。

新泽西 (New Jersey)-纽约(New York)- 多伦多 (Toronto)


房型 / 乘客单人房双人房三人房四人房

价格(大小同价)599.00/ 人起439.00/ 人起399.00/ 人起319.00/ 人起


*依据本团的附加条款, 选择此行程必需参加推荐的 5 个中的 3个或者更多的自付景点.如果客人拒绝购买至少3个必选景点,我们将按照自由行的报价多收取每个人65美元的差额。
★ 行程内点对点之交通
★ 行程内之旅馆住宿

团费不包括除基本团费以外的其它自选项目。详情可参考上面“加选项目” (可上团现付)

* 门票价格可能有所浮动,恕不另行通知。
* 本公司有权保留更改及取消行程或次序之权利,以便每团顺利进行。


1购买保险/Medical and Cancellation Travel Insurance

  • 已自行购买 Purchased Medical and Cancellation Travel Insurance on own accord

  • 推荐后客人拒绝 Customer declined Medical and Cancellation Travel Insurance after suggested

  • 已购买 Customer has purchased Medical and/or Cancellation Travel Insurance


  • 包2顿丰盛自助美食

  • US38/位

3SNYC03 司机导游最低服务费

  • 美金 $16/人/天(大人小孩同价)

  • 美金 $48/人(大人小孩同价)


  • USD$65/人


  • $30/人 购买天宝“安心包”,在行程出发前7天(不含)以上,一旦行程降价,无需理由可全额退还差价(不包括安心包费用) / 出发前8天及以上,享受一次免费改期。

  • 需购买 C$30/人

  • 不需要,谢谢。

6SNYC03 自费门票套票(包含所有门票)

  • 包含自由女神像游船+无敌号航母+杜莎夫人蜡像馆+信不信由你博物馆+纽约新世贸大厦

  • 成人US $208, 老年(65+) US $188, 儿童(12-) US $158

7保证前3排座位 (3天团)

  • 附加费CAD50每人

电话客服 收藏 立即预订


  • 5:15am | Mississauga | 50 Britannia Rd. E ON L4Z 2G2

  • 4:45am | Downtown | 477 Dundas Street West (Outside Tim Hortons)

  • 4:15am | Scarborough 8 William Kitchen Rd A, Scarborough (Outside of Foody World Supermarket)

  • 4:00am | Richmond Hill | 9005 Leslie St (Outside Tim Hortons)


  • Downtown | Yorkdale Shopping Center TTC Subway

  • Mississauga| 50 Britannia Rd. E ON L4Z 2G2

  • Scarborough |8 William Kitchen Rd A, Scarborough

  • Richmond Hill | 9005 Leslie Street

* 对于去美国旅游,需要持有效护照(有效期至少6个月以上)和有效签证;自2016年11月29日起,所有持中华人民共和国护照,同时持有最长有效期(十年)B1/B2、B1和B2签证的个人需在出发前登录www.evus.gov进行有效的EVUS登记,否则将无法进入美国。天宝旅游对海关延误不承担任何责任
*依据本团的附加条款, 选择此行程必需参加推荐的 5 个中的 3个或者更多的自付景点.如果客人拒绝购买至少3个必选景点,我们将按照自由行的报价多收取每个人USD65美元的差额。

价格条款 Terms & Condition

1. 取消及退款日期计算,将按照收到您书面通知为准。Changes and Cancellation request must be submitted in writing via email or fax to Compass Vacation.
2. 报名确认后,不得更改出发日期, 否则作取消论, 需要根据取消条款处理。除非购买天宝巴士安心包。Tour departure date can't be changed after the customer has paid. Except purchase worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.
3.订购后价格不再更改除非购买天宝巴士安心包。No price changes are permitted after the reservation has been made. Except purchase worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.

  • A:本地团体出发前30天以上,取消订位时,每位扣除$100,其余部分退还。含接送机package套餐团体 出发前30天以上,取消订位时,每位扣除$200,其余部分退还。 Local tour more than 30 days prior to departure, $100.00 CAD cancellation fee per person. Package including airport transfer tour  more than 30 days prior to departure, $200.00 CAD cancellation fee per person.

  • B:团体出发30或天以内,取消订位时,团费恕不退还。Within 30 days, full cancellation charges

  • C:安心包可在预订48小时之内购买: 订购安心包后,团体出发8天前及以上可享受一次免费改期(如团费有差价需补差价),及团费降价差价退还(Price Match)。Worry-Free insurance can be purchased within 48 hours from reservation. Free 1 time date change (Price difference applies)8 days prior departure and price match by purchasing the worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.

  • D:购买安心包后如需改到有节日附加费的日期,需补交节日附加费;在旺季和节假日阶段,如需改期的出团日期已售罄,则需更换为其他有座位的出团日期. Holiday surcharge must be paid when redeem worry-free insurance to change date when applies; Date can only be changed base on availability.

  • E: 余额必须在团队出发31天前结清。Balance must be paid in full 31 days prior to departure date.

4. 团友需按照预定出发时间提早十五分钟到达预定地点登车。Please be at pre-arranged location 15 minutes prior to departure time.
5. 未在指定地点指定时间参加旅行团的乘客将被视为自动放弃整个行程。No show on the day of departure is 100% non-refundable.
6. 团队出发后,任何提前购买的门票费用,项目费用,餐费恕不退还。Any pre-purchased tickets, admission, and meal fee are non-refundable.
7. 凡从非我司购买的景点门票(如: 城市City Pass),均不适用于我司旅行团。Admission tickets bought through sellers other than our company (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable to the tours.
8. 请于出发日期前30天付清全款,逾期团位自动取消,订金恕不退还。If full payment not received within 14 days prior to departure, Compass Holidays has the right to cancel reservation with no refund.
9. 住宿房型按照各个酒店自身标准提供,如有特殊需求,我们会为您向酒店提出需求,但不能保证。Your room types are based on hotels' own standards.  We can require your needs but not guarantee.
10. 参团者需自行负责及携带有效之旅游证件及签证,有效期以出发日起计不少于六个月。(特别是行程中有含飞机的旅游行程) Passengers are responsible for all travel documents validity. (If applicable)Canadians need a valid passport to entry and return to Canada.
Both valid US Visa and EVUS are required to enter US for Chinese passport, and the passport should be valid for six (6) months beyond the date of return to Canada.
持中国护照入境美国需要有6个月有效期,有效的美国签证,和有效的EVUS。其他护照持有者,请咨询天宝员工。For all other passports holder, please check with Tianbao Staff.
11. 如遇上特殊情況,如惡劣天氣, 交通事故,景点关闭等,本公司保留更改或取消行程權利,以利順利完成行程,團友不得異議。 Itineraries are subject to change or cancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but not limited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.
12. 在任何情况及任何地点下失窃,引致遗失金钱及物品,本公司、司机、及导游均不负任何责任,任何财物及证件等团员理应并有责任自行保管。Passengers are responsible to keep and protect your personal property and personal belongings.
13. 旅游行程,餐厅选择,菜式安排,酒店安排均会因季节、人数、交通、天气等因素调整,由本公司统一安排,本公司保留改变权力,以利团体进行。团友如因个人理由不能享用某一已预定膳食、景点或住宿,本公司恕不做退还。 Compass Vacation reserve the rights to modify the itinerary, meal plans and hotels without liability. No partial refund on any unused services.
14. 强烈建议在团队出发前购买旅游保险来防护由于自身的身体或者客观原因等造成的您旅行前或者旅行期间期间自身利益的损失。All passengers are STRONGLY URGED to take our adequate insurance coverage to protect yourselves against cancellation due to illness prior to or during the travel.
15. 所有旅行团,机票旅行团套餐的价格以购买当日为准,价格变动恕不更改。 Prices or information could be different on your next website visit or session. We don’t accept price adjustment.
16.  客人报团时必须提供可接通的手机电话,便于导游联系,如提供的电话有误,导致产生的任何额外费用由客人自行承担。
The guests must provide a mobile phone that can be connected to facilitate the contact of the tour guide. If the phone provided is wrong, any additional expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves.
17. 即使有完备的旅游文件也有被第三国拒接入境的风险。Standard Statement: "Entry to another country may be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete."
18. 目的地的生活标准和当地提供的公共设备,服务和住宿标准和条件可能与加拿大的标准不同。Standard Statement: "Living standards and practices at the destination and the standards and conditions there with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodation may differ form those found in Canada"
19. 如果您通过电子方式订购,如有任何疑问,请通过电话联系我们:(905)695-7770 If you have ordered electronically, if you have any questions please contacts us via telephone: (905)695-7770

1. 请于报名时自行检查所有报名信息均正确无误并符合参团要求。如因所提供的信息,包括抵离日期、航班时间、地点、参团人员身份及旅行证件等错误或不符合参团要求,所引起的相关责任及经济损失,本公司概不负责。
Please ensure all the registration information is correct and meets the requirements. Compass Holidays is NOT be responsible for the related liabilities and economic losses caused by the information provided does NOT correct, including the date, flight time, place, identity of the participants and travel documents, etc.
2. 所有旅行团、包机票旅游套餐的价格以购买日为准,价格变动恕不另行通知且不接受更改。
The prices of all tour and/or packages are based on the date of purchase. It is subjected to change without notice, and Compass Holidays does NOT accept any price adjustment after payment occurred.
3. 旅客须于团队出发日期前90天付清全款,逾期团位自动取消,订金恕不退还。Passenger MUST pay in full 90 days before tour departure date, or the reservation will be cancelled automatically, and deposit will NOT be refunded.
4. 旅客须自行负责及携带有效之旅游证件(护照)及签证,有效期以回程日起计不少于六个月。使用旅行证件或难民身份卡等其他证件可能会导致延误或被拒绝登机。我们假定预订中的所有旅客都持有有效的加拿大护照,如果不是这种情况,您需要告知我们。因此类文件不符合这些当局的要求而产生的任何罚款、罚款、付款或支出将由您自行承担。请注意以下要求:
Passenger MUST have a valid passport, and/or visa (if applicable) for the destination and MUST remain valid for at least 6 months from the return date. Using other documentation such as travel documents or refugee status cards may result in delays or being denied boarding. Consumer travelling with a Canadian passports, passport must be valid for at least 6 months from their date of departure,  if this is not the case, you are required to let us know. Any fines, penalties, payments or expenditures incurred as a result of such documents not meeting the requirements of those authorities will be your sole responsibility. Please be aware that the following requirements:
  • 停留时间的变化可能会导致旅行所需的文件发生变化。Change of length of stay may result in a change of documentation needed to travel.

  • 向您提供的任何签证建议都基于您提供的信息的准确性。签证建议是最新的,但可能会在您预定的旅行日期之前更改。Any visa advice provided to you is dependent on the accuracy of the information provided by you. Visa advice is current but can change prior to your intended travel date.

  • 当旅行日期临近时,必须验证文件要求。Verification of documentation requirements must be done when travel date nears.

  • 未能提供所需文件可能会导致承运人或相关当局拒绝登机特权,并且没有进一步的追索权或退款的可能性。Failure to provide the required documents may result in being denied boarding privileges by the carrier or relevant authorities, without further recourse or the possibility of a refund.

  • 游轮乘客必须出示有效护照,无论其出发国家/地区的入境要求如何。Cruise passengers must present a valid passport, regardless of the entry requirements for their country of embarkation.

  • 重新进入加拿大;非加拿大护照持有人需要提供有效的加拿大永久居留权证明、有效的加拿大签证或在签证例外限额内的出境机票证明。来自美国 (US) 以外的免签证的国家、地区的旅客,在飞往加拿大之前需要获得电子旅行证 ETA。这类旅客通过陆路或海路进入加拿大时不需要 ETA。To re-enter Canada; non-Canadian passport holders will need to provide proof of valid Canadian Permanent Residency, a valid Canadian visa or proof of outbound ticket within visa exception allowance. Citizens from countries other than the United States (U.S.) who do not need a visa to enter Canada will need to obtain an ETA before flying into Canada. Travelers do not need an ETA when entering Canada by land or sea.

  • 即使有完备的旅游文件也有被第三国拒接入境的风险。Entry to another country may be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete.

  • 以上在任何情况或理由下,概与本公司无涉,引起的延误、额外交通或食宿费用皆由旅客本人负责,本公司亦不会因此而向旅客退回任何款项或作任何赔偿。Under any circumstances or reasons listed above, Compass Holidays will NOT be held responsible for any expenses of the delay, extra transportation or accommodation costs, also will NOT refund any tour fee or compensate to passenger.

  • 我们建议您向the Consular Affairs Bureau for Canadians Abroad咨询或在线查看voyage.gc.ca上的加拿大旅行者基本信息指南 以满足个人需求。We recommend that you inquire with the Consular Affairs Bureau for Canadians Abroad or review online the Essential Information for Canadian Travelers Guide at voyage.gc.ca to satisfy personal requirements.

  • 对于某些国家/地区,需要国际健康证明和疫苗接种。在某些情况下,未能出示所需的疫苗接种文件(例如黄热病疫苗接种)可能会导致您被拒绝进入某个国家/地区。我们建议您在开始旅行前咨询当地医生、旅行医疗服务机构或专业疫苗接种诊所。您还可以在加拿大旅游局的网站https://travel.gc.ca/上获得有关您希望访问的目的地的一般健康建议。For some countries, international health certificates and vaccinations are required. In some cases, failure to present required vaccination documentation (e.g. Yellow Fever vaccination) may result in you being denied entry into a country. We recommend that you consult with your local doctor, travel medical service or specialist vaccination clinic before commencing your travel. General health advice for the destination you wish to visit is also available on the Government of Canada Travel and Tourism at https://travel.gc.ca/

  • 一些国家/地区要求旅客获得特殊的国际驾驶执照和/或国际保险证明。Some countries require travelers to be issued a special international driver's permit and/or international proof of insurance.

  • 对于国内航班:所有乘客必须持有政府签发的带照片的身份证件。如果没有带照片的身份证件,16 岁以下的儿童应携带身份证明。For domestic flights: all passengers must be in possession of government-issued photo identification. Children under 16 should carry proof of identity, if no photo ID is available.

5. 本公司仅代理航空公司、酒店、交通工具、餐食、观光或旅游项目或其它旅游机构进行整合安排并提供服务,旅客在旅行途中如遇有财物损失、个人原因之意外伤亡,或因天灾人祸、机器失灵、交通延误、航班取消、失火、罢工、战争、政局不安、无法控制及政府更改条例而招致损失或产生额外费用时,旅客可按当地法律向相关机构直接交涉或追讨赔偿,概与本公司绝无关系及不须负任何责任。Compass Holidays acts only as an agent and/or intermediary for independent suppliers. As a result, it retains other contractors to provide transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, meals and other related travel services. Compass Holidays accepts no responsibility for any such losses or any additional expenses or and distress due to delays, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes.
6. 如遇特殊情况或不可预见或无法避免的事件或非本公司所能控制的情况发生(包括但不限于如恶劣天气、罢工、证件遗失、酒店突告客满、交通延误、政治动荡、战争、恐怖袭击、疫症、旅游目的地政府/世界卫生组织发出旅游警告、意外事故等),而必须将行程、住宿或交通工具更改或取消,本公司得依照当时情况全权处理,在此情况下旅客不得藉故反对及要求赔偿,事件所引致之损失或增加费用,旅客须自行负责。In case of any special circumstances or unforeseen or unavoidable events or circumstances beyond company`s control (including but not limited to, such as adverse weather conditions, strikes, loss of documents, hotel full notice, traffic delays, political turbulence, War, terrorist attack, epidemic, tourist destination government / WHO issued travel warning, accident, etc.), and itinerary, accommodation or transportation MUST be changed or cancelled, and the Compass Holidays can handle it in full according to the situation at the time, In this case, the passenger CANNOT object to and claim for compensation, and MUST be responsible for any losses or additional expenses caused by the incident.
7. 本公司之旅行团为当地集散,行程安排或调整不会考虑旅客居住地的情况,旅客应妥善计划行程以便能如期抵达集合地点。The land tour is local distribution. The itinerary arrangement or adjustment will NOT consider the situation of the passenger's place of residence. Passenger should properly plan the itinerary in order to arriving at the meeting point as required.
8. 本公司之包机票旅游套餐产品为航空公司特价(团体)机票与当地旅游团之产品组合。如遇特殊情况或不可预见或无法避免的事件或非本公司所能控制的情况发生,引致如航班延误或取消,旅行团无法成行等情况发生,本公司须分别根据航空公司与旅行团之政策给予旅客退/改建议,惟因此招致之损失或产生额外费用,本公司概不承担。The package product is the combination of airline`s special (group) air tickets and land tour. In case of any special circumstances or unforeseen or unavoidable events or circumstances beyond company`s control, such as but not limited to flight delays or cancellations, unavailability of land tour, etc., Compass Holidays would provide passenger with refund / change suggestions according to the policies of the airline and the tour group, but NOT be responsible for any losses or extra costs incurred.
9. 本地出发的旅行团,本公司保留在出团前因人数不足取消行程的权利。若因人数不足取消行程,我们会在出团前30天通知旅客,旅客可选择取消行程全额退款或免费更改到其他参团日期,不会再做进一步赔偿。除团款外之其他费用,敬请旅客自理。Compass Holidays reserves the right to cancel the itinerary due to insufficient number of passengers before departure. If the itinerary is cancelled for this reason, we will notify the passenger 30 days before the departure. The passenger can choose to cancel the itinerary for a full refund or change it to another tour date for free,no any further compensation. Passenger responses for any other expense besides the tour fee.
10. 报名确认后,不得更改出发日期,否则作取消论,须根据取消条款处理。After payment occurred, the departure date must NOT be changed, otherwise it will be considered as cancellation and MUST be handled in accordance with the cancellation policy.
11. 旅客因任何理由要求取消参团,本公司将根据收到书面通知的日期距离出发日期的天数决定处理方案。Passenger requests cancellation of the tour for any reason, Compass Holidays will decide the treatment plan according to the number of days from the departure date on the date of receiving the written notice via email or fax.
12. 为避免旅客因各种原因无法参团所带来的损失,强烈建议客人购买旅游保险(如医疗、疾病、财物损失、意外或中途取消等),如客人自行购买旅游保险请签署同意书。 In order to avoiding any economic loss of passengers cannot join the tour, we advise passenger to purchase Travel Insurance (Emergency Hospital/Lost/Medical and Trip Cancellation/Interruption). A Signed Waiver is required if passenger decides not to purchase at the time of booking.
13. 团体机票座位将由航空公司统一安排,同行者并不能保证坐在一起。 Advanced seat selection is NOT available for air group ticket, companions may NOT sit together.
14. 包机票旅游套餐包含之特价(团体)机票,具体航班信息需以旅行团出发前一周邮件通知为准,旅客不得异议或以此为由申请退团/取消。所有联程机票务必连贯性使用,若任何一行段取消/NO SHOW,则后续所有行段将被自动作废。 If the travel package contains special group airfare, the accurate flight information is subject to the e-mail notification one week prior to departure of the tour. Passengers cannot object or apply for cancellation. All joint ticket must be used consistently. If any flight segment is cancelled /NO SHOW, all subsequent flight segments will be automatically invalidated.
15. 旅客的接送机航班信息,须不迟于团队出发前两周以书面形式通知本公司,否则无法保证安排,由此产生的额外交通费用,敬请旅客自理。The passenger's pick-up/drop-off flight information MUST be notified to Compass Holidays in writing no later than two weeks before the tour departure date, otherwise the arrangement is NOT guaranteed. The passengers are responsible for the transportation expenses incurred.
16. 参团者须按照预定出发时间提早十五分钟到达预定地点登车,未在指定地点指定时间参加旅行团均被视为自动放弃整个行程。Please be at pre-arranged location 15 minutes prior to departure time. Participant who does NOT attend the tour at the designated time and place is deemed to be giving up the entire tour.
17. 行程中所安排的交通、住宿、餐食、观光节目等皆属团体预订,且无法与享用其他优惠政策,如门票老年优惠等。参团者因任何理由未能参与任何项目,皆当作自愿放弃论,本公司无须退还任何款项或作任何赔偿。The transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing programs, etc. arranged in the itinerary are group reservations, it CANNOT be used in conjunction with other preferential policies, such as tickets for seniors. If the participant fails to participate in any project due to any reasons, it is deemed a voluntary waiver, Compass Holidays would NOT make any refund or compensation.
18. 团费价格以两人一房基准计算,如遇其中一方取消,没有或中断参团,另一方须补付单人房差价。 Passenger should pay the single room supplement if the companion cancels or no show or interrupts the tour.
19. 旅行者应注意,加拿大境外可能存在不同的生活标准和条件,包括但不限于提供公用设施,例如水和电;宿舍; 各类服务;食物; 食物的准备和水质. 因生活水准不同而导致的任何损失、损坏、疾病或伤害,天宝旅游不承担任何责任. 请向您的销售提出相应的问题,并做好研究,以确保您已为各种可能发生的情况做好准备。Travelers should be aware that living standards and practices at the destination and the standards and conditions there with respect to the provision utilities, services and accommodation may differ from those found in Canada including but not limited to provision of utilities, e.g. Water and electricity; accommodations; services of all kinds; food; food preparation and water quality. Compass Holidays shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, illness, or injury resulting from different living standards. Do ask questions and research on your own to ensure that are you are prepared for every eventuality.
20. 请尽量避免携带贵重物品及名贵首饰等参团。参团者理应并承担自身财物、证件的保管责任。在任何情况及任何地点下失窃,引致金钱及物品的损失,本公司、随团司机、领队及导游均不负任何责任。Please avoid carrying valuables and precious jewelry to the tour. Participant is responsible for keeping and protecting his personal property and documents. Compass Holidays, drivers, tour leaders and tour guide do NOT accept liability for lost or stolen personal property in any situation and place.
21. 参团者在任何情况或私人理由下,要求自行出发,个别返回或中途离团,本公司定当协助安排。惟本公司不负责一切由于交通或任何事上之延误而导致未能赶上预先安排的行程或住宿上间接或直接之费用损失。Under any circumstances or personal reasons, the participant requires to set off on their own, return individually or leave the tour halfway, Compass Holidays shall assist in arrangements. However, Compass Holidays is NOT responsible for any indirect or direct loss incurred due to transportation or any delay in failing to catch up with the scheduled itinerary or accommodation.
22. 行程中活动及自费活动于当地有不同之限制,参团者有机会被限制参与。如参团者因当地之限制、天气、维修或其他本公司不能控制的情况下未能参与,本公司无需向参团者退回任何款项或作任何赔偿。There are different restrictions on local activities which participant may have the opportunity to be restricted from participating. If participant fails to participate the activities for the reason such as but not limit to local restrictions, weather, maintenance, or other circumstances beyond the control of Compass Holidays, Compass Holidays would NOT make any refund or compensation.
23. 航机或巴士如因故障或塞车而延误出发时间,须将行程更改或取消节目,参团者不得藉故反对及退出。如遇恶劣天气、罢工或突发意外,引致行程延误,参团者不得藉故要求赔偿或索回团费。而因延误引起之超时或其他额外费用,则由全体团员共同承担。If the departure time of an aircraft or bus is delayed due to a breakdown or a traffic jam, the itinerary must be changed or cancelled, participant must NOT object and withdraw by reason. In case of bad weather, strike or unexpected accidents that cause delays in the trip, participant must NOT claim compensation or claim back the tour fee. Overtime or other extra costs due to delay will be shared by all tour members.
24. 任何参团者若蓄意妨碍导游工作,危害他人人身安全,影响团体正常活动及利益时,导游有权视具体情况或在大多数参团者赞同下取消其随团资格,受该参团者监护之18岁以下同行旅客亦须作同样处理,本公司无须为此退还任何款项或作任何赔偿。旅客离团后之行动责任自负,概与本公司无关。Participant who in the tour intentionally obstructs the work of the tour guide, endangers the personal safety of others, and affects the normal activities and interests of the group, the tour guide has the right to cancel his eligibility to continue the tour according to the specific circumstances or with the approval of the majority of the tour members. Passenger under the age of 18 who are under the supervision of this participant must also do the same. Compass Holidays would NOT make any refund or compensation for this. Participants are responsible for their own activities after leaving the tour.
25. 旅客一经报名,即视为已充分了解并确定自己的身体健康状况适合参加旅游团。因个人既有病史和身体残障在旅游行程中引起的疾病进一步发作和伤亡,本公司概不承担任何责任。Once registered, a passenger shall be deemed to have fully understood and determined that his physical health is suitable to participate in the tour. Compass Holidays assumes NO responsibility for further outbreaks and injuries caused by personal medical history and physical disability during the tour.
  • 报名时旅游者应确保身体健康,保证自身条件能够完成旅游活动,身体健康状况不佳者,请咨询医生是否可以参加本次旅游活动,根据自身情况备好常用药和急救药品,因自身疾病而引起的后果,旅客自行承担责任;如因此影响到正常走团秩序,旅行社有权终止其继续参团资格且所缴费用无法退回,强烈建议游客购买必要之旅游保险;   At the time of registration, passenger should ensure that he is healthy and can complete the tour activities under his own conditions. Those whom with poor health condition are advised to consult their doctors if they can participate in the tour and prepare common and emergency medicines. As a result, passenger is responsible for his own consequences; if this affects the normal order of the    tour group, the tour guide/leader has the right to terminate its qualification to continue the tour and the fees paid CANNOT be refunded.

  • 参团者出现急症请主动通知工作人员,旅行社将协助游客就近送往当地医疗机构检查治疗,费用由参团者自理;Participant should notify staff members if he has emergency. The tour guide/leader will assist participant to take him to the local medical institution for examination and treatment at his own expense.

  • 有听力、视力障碍、个人有精神疾病或无行为控制能力的旅客不建议参团Passenger with hearing, visual impairment, individuals with mental illness or incapability of behavior control are not recommended to join the tour;

  • 有心、肺、脑和血液系统疾病患者以及其它不适合长途疲劳的人群以及75岁以上老人及孕妇,应在咨询医生意见后自行决定是否参加旅行团。为了你的安全请勿隐瞒病情,感谢您的配合!Heart, lung, patients with brain and blood system diseases, other people who are not suitable for long-distance fatigue, and elderly people over 75 years of age and pregnant women, should decide on their own whether to join the tour after consulting their doctor. For your safety, please don't hide the condition, thank you for your cooperation!

26. 本公司对以上内容保留最终解释权利。 Compass Holidays reserved the right of final explanation as above.
27. 客户全额付款后,不得再涨价。 如果价格上涨超过 7%(GST/PST/HST 上涨导致的上涨除外),客户有权取消合同并获得全额退款。Price increases are permitted. No price increases are permitted after the customer has paid in full. If the price increase is more than 7% (except increases resulting from an increase in GST/PST/HST), the customer has the right to cancel the contract and obtain a full refund.
28. 如果您通过天宝网站订购,并且有任何疑问,可以通过电话或网站客服联系我们:(905) 695-7770. If you have ordered from our website, and have any questions please contact us via telephone: (905) 695-7770 or tianbaotravel.com “Contact us”.

***您已经阅读,理解并且同意接受以上团队旅游政策条款.  You have read, understood and accepted the above terms and conditions.
  • 旅游条款 Terms & Condition

    每人限帶手提及托运行李各一件, 额外行李费为每件$35
    凡从非我司购买的景点门票(如: 城市City Pass),均不适用于我司旅行团。
    如遇上特殊情況,如惡劣天氣, 交通事故等,为保证旅游行程能顺利进行,本公司保留更改、调整或取消行程權利。

    ** Attraction prices, opening dates and hours may be adjusted or updated at any time. For the price, please refer to the actual price at the time of visit. If the attractions are not open, Tianbao reserves the right to temporarily cancel the attractions and adjust the itinerary. **
    **The content or order of the above itinerary is for reference only, Tianbao reserves the right to adjust the content of the itinerary. **
    **If some of the meals on the itinerary are temporarily unavailable and group meals cannot be arranged, the tour guide will also provide assistance for VIP guests to eat by themselves. **

    Tour fare exclude: meals, admissions, gratuities ( 2022$16 per day/person  same applied to adult and child), and all personal expenses.
    Admission tickets bought through sellers other than our company (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable to the tours.
    Triple and Quad occupancy are to be shared with two beds.
    One luggage per person. Extra luggage surcharge $35 each luggage.
    The guests must provide a mobile phone that can be connected to facilitate the contact of the tour guide. If the phone provided is wrong, any additional expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves.
    Please be at pre-arranged location 15 minutes prior to departure time.
    No shows at pre-arranged location and time, the whole trip will be cancelled with nonrefunded.
    Passengers are responsible for all travel documents validity. (If applicable)
    Travel insurance is recommended, please check with our consultants at the time of booking.
    Compass Vacation reserve the rights to modify the itinerary, meal plans and hotels without liability. No partial refund on any unused services.
    Minimum of 20 passengers is required for guaranteed departure. Compass Vacation reserves the right to cancel the tour prior departure with full refund value of the package price booked.
    Itineraries are subject to change or cancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but not limited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.

    Standard Statement: "Entry to another country may be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete."

    Standard Statement: "Living standards and practices at the destination and the standards and conditions there with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodation may differ form those found in Canada"

    1. 取消及退款日期计算,将按照收到您书面通知为准。Changes and Cancellation request must be submitted in writing via email or fax to Compass Vacation.
    2. 报名确认后,不得更改出发日期, 否则作取消论, 需要根据取消条款处理。除非购买天宝巴士安心包。Tour departure date can't be changed after the customer has paid. Except purchase worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.
    3.订购后价格不再更改除非购买天宝巴士安心包。No price changes are permitted after the reservation has been made. Except purchase worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.A:团体出发前30天以上,取消订位时,每位扣除$100,其余部分退还。 More than 30 days prior to departure, $100.00 CAD cancellation fee per person.B:团体出发30或天以内,取消订位时,团费恕不退还。Within 30 days, full cancellation chargesC:安心包可在预订48小时之内购买: 订购安心包后,团体出发8天前及以上可享受一次免费改期(如团费有差价需补差价),及团费降价差价退还(Price Match)。Worry-Free insurance can be purchased within 48 hours from reservation. Free 1 time date change (Price difference applies)8 days prior departure and price match by purchasing the worry-free insurance with Compass Vacation.D:购买安心包后如需改到有节日附加费的日期,需补交节日附加费;在旺季和节假日阶段,如需改期的出团日期已售罄,则需更换为其他有座位的出团日期. Holiday surcharge must be paid when redeem worry-free insurance to change date when applies; Date can only be changed base on availability.E: 余额必须在团队出发31天前结清。Balance must be paid in full 31 days prior to departure date.