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线路编号:11124 PE809HM4
优惠价:$0 优惠价:电询
销量:0 满意度:100% 0条点评
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行程安排 打印行程


住宿情况: The Cityview or similar




住宿情况: The Cityview or similar

早上出发前往香港岛,游览太平山顶,浅水湾,赤柱市集, 避风塘,珠宝店,可尽情享受购物时光。



住宿情况: The Cityview or similar









1. 仅提供中文导游服务,港澳台、英文配偶及非美加澳欧藉华人或有附加费;
2. 此团包含部分购物行程,客人报名后则说明接受安排并不得以任何理由拒绝参观,购物时请认清物品的品质、价值,根据自己的需要选择。一切的退换货请客人自行与店家联络,均与组团社无关。客人需全程跟团,若中途离团须另付脱团费US$150/人/天且所有费用不再退回;
3. 团费=报名费+指定自费项目+综合服务费,指定自费项目与综合服务费在任何情况下都必须足额支付,否则我公司有权终止提供服务。
4. 提早日期抵达或延住客人,恕不安排免费接送;
5. 我社保留根据实际情况适当调整行程及酒店的权利,请以实际走团确认为准;
6. 如因国家政策法规等因素无法成行将扣除手续费及相应实际产生费用, 但团款外一切损失请自理
7. 团费不包括不可预见或无法避免的情况或事件发生时所产生的额外费用。不可预见或无法避免的情况或事件包括私人需求,航班晚点/取消,战争/潜在的战争威胁,暴乱,内乱,恐怖主义活动/实际的恐怖主义活动的威胁,自然灾害,恶劣的天气环境等等。



1. 此优惠价格仅限能以流利中文(国语/粤语)进行交流的美加澳籍华人华侨参团,否则价格另议。 The tour fee may changeif passenger does NOT speak fluent Mandarin or Cantonese.
2. 仅提供中文导游服务,港澳台,英文配偶及非美加澳籍华人或有附加费。 Tour guide speaksChinese ONLY. Surcharge may apply if passenger is NOT Canadian-Chinese.
3. 旅客报名后不得以任何理由(如疾病、意外受伤、个人原因等)退团或退款。为避免旅客因各种原因无法参团所带来的损失,强烈建议客人购买旅游保险(如医疗、疾病、意外或中途取消等),如客人自行购买旅游保险请签署同意书。 Tour is Non-refundableand NON-changeable after payment occurred. In order to avoiding any economicloss of passengers cannot join the tour, we advise passenger to purchase TravelInsurance (Emergency Hospital/Medical and Trip Cancellation/Interruption). ASigned Waiver is required if passenger decides not to purchase at the time ofbooking.
4. 团费价格以两人一房基准计算,如遇其中一方取消,没有或中断参团,另一方须补付单人房差价。 Passenger should paythe single room supplement if the companion cancel or no show or interrupts thetour.
5. 旅客须于团队出发日期前30天付清全款,逾期团位自动取消,订金恕不退还。 Passenger MUST pay infull 30 days before tour departure date, or the reservation will be cancelled automatically,and deposit will NOT be refunded.
6. 旅客未在指定地点指定时间参加旅行团均被视为自动放弃整个行程。团队出发后,任何提前购买的门票费用,项目费用,餐费等恕不退还。 Passenger who does NOTattend the tour at the designated time and place is deemed to be giving up theentire tour. After the tour starts, any advanced purchased of the ticket costs,program fees, meals, etc. will NOT be refunded.
7. 旅客须自行承担随身财物的保管责任,如在参团期间遭遇失窃而引致金钱及物品的损失,本公司、随团司机及导游均不负有任何责任。 Passenger isresponsible to keep and protect his personal property and personal belongings. Pacific Express Travel, drivers and tour guides take no responsibility on it.
8. 参团保证金将会返还若旅客如期全程参团;如因任何原因之取消,没有或者中断参团则参团保证金不予返还。 Security deposit ofguaranteed joining tour will be fully refunded after finishing the China tour;it is non-refundable if passenger cancel / no show / interrupt the tour nomatter what reason.
9. 如遇不可预见或无法避免的情况或事件发生(如航班晚点/取消,自然灾害,恶劣天气环境,国家政策等等),本公司保留更改或取消行程之权利,团友不得异议。若团队无法成行或旅客没有参团,已享有江南特价团参团机票奖励回馈的客人须补齐机票原有票款,最高金额为该发票的参团保证金,如涉及改期或退款将根据航空公司改退票规则及扣除相应手续费。 In case of anyunforeseen or unavoidable circumstances or events occured (such asflightsdelays / cancellations, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, nationalpolicy etc.), Pacific Express Travel reserves the right to change or cancel the itinerary.In case of the tour cannot take place or passenger's own failure to attend the tour,passenger who received Jiangnan tour participation discounts is required to payback the discounted difference (with a maximum amount of the particular invoice'ssecurity deposit). If rescheduling or cancellation of a ticket is involved,airline cancellation and change policies and their corresponding fees will apply.
10. 团体机票座位将由航空公司统一安排,同行者并不能保证坐在一起。 Advanced seat selectionis NOT available for air group ticket, companions may NOT sit together.
11. 若旅游产品包含特价团体机票,具体航班信息需以旅行团出发前一周邮件通知为准,旅客不得异议或以此为由申请退团/取消。所有联程机票务必连贯性使用,若任何一行段取消/NO SHOW,则后续所有行段将被自动作废。 If the travel packagecontains special group airfare. The accurate flight information is subject tothe e-mail notification one week prior to departure of the tour. Passengerscannot object or apply for cancellation on this basis. All joint ticket must beused consistently. If any flight segment is cancelled /NO SHOW, all subsequentflight segments will be automatically invalidated.
12. 我们在此提醒您可能需要办理目的地国家之签证,如无有效签证,您或会被拒绝登机,请自行负责。 Please ensure you havevalid passport and VISA to the Destination, passenger is responsible for alltravel documents validity.
13. 请于报名时自行检查所有报名信息均符合参团要求,并于参团时携带有效护照及证件原件。如因所提供的信息,包括抵离日期、航班时间、地点、参团人员身份及旅行证件等错误或不符合参团要求,所引起的相关责任及经济损失,请恕本公司无法负责。 Please ensure all theregistration information is correct and meets the tour requirement. Besidespassenger should bring the valid passport and original documents when joiningthe tour. Pacific Express Travel couldn't suffer any loss if the information provideddo NOT correct, such as date, flight, city, travel document or identify ofparticipants.
14. 所有旅行团、机票旅行团套餐的价格以购买日为准,价格变动恕不另行通知且更改。 Prices or informationcould be different on your next visit or session. Pacific Express Travel does NOTaccept any price adjustment after payment occurred.
15. 游客一经报名,即视为已充分了解并确定自己的身体健康状况适合参加本次旅游团。因个人既有病史和身体残障在旅游行程中引起的疾病进一步发作和伤亡,旅行社不承担任何责任。 ①报名时旅游者应确保身体健康,保证自身条件能够完成旅游活动,身体健康状况不佳者,请咨询医生是否可以参加本次旅游活动,根据自身情况备好常用药和急救药品,因自身疾病而引起的后果,游客自行承担责任;如因此影响到正常走团秩序,旅行社有权终止其继续参团资格且所缴费用恕无法退回,强烈建议游客购买必要之旅游保险;②游客出现急症请主动通知工作人员,旅行社将协助游客就近送往当地医疗机构检查治疗,费用由游客自理;③有听力、视力障碍、个人有精神疾病或无行为控制能力的游客不建议参团;④有心、肺、脑和血液系统疾病患者以及其它不适合长途疲劳的人群以及75岁以上老人及孕妇,应在谘询医生意见后自行决定是否参加旅行团。为了你的安全请勿隐瞒病情,感谢您的配合! All passengers areSTRONGLY URGED to take our adequate insurance coverage to protect yourselvesagainst cancellation due to illness prior to or during the travel. Pleaseadvise the agent staff or tour guide once the passengers get acute symptoms. Wewill provide help and send the passengers to the local hospital. All themedical and hospital cost will be charge by the passenger. We received therights to keep all the tour package fee and deposit and suggest the passengersgo to the hospital when the passengers get sick and the symptom may affect theother travelers. We don't recommend the passengers who has visual or hearingimpairment, Serious mental or physical illness, or the passengers with heart,lung, brain and blood disorders which might affect the health throughlong-distance travel, or the passengers who is more than 75 years old, or whois being pregnant. Please advise doctors before purchase the tour product.Passengers have fully understand and accept the terms and conditions once youpurchase the tour. Our travel agent will not be responsible for any illnesswhich is caused through passengers’ own disabilities or health condition.
​16. 太平洋迅捷旅游对以上内容保留最终解释权利。 Pacific Express Travel reservedthe right of final explanation as above.
Misc. Taxes may include CanadaTourRegulation fee/Hotel Tax fee/Service fee/any discounts if applicable.

您已经阅读,理解并且同意接受以上团队旅游团款。 You have read,understood and accepted the above terms and conditions.

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